Posts Tagged 'special'

Strawberry and Chocolate Tart

This is the most amazing tart (pie) I’ve tasted or made in a long time. It is both delicious and looks amazing. It definitely gives you a feeling of being a legitimate pastry chef. It also went down well in this house as it combined what both Mr A and myself look for in a desert. I want the light, summer, fruity-ness and he’s all about the chocolate. But this sits somewhere between the two. There is a little bit of time involved but not much more than what  would be involved if you were making a victoria sponge or any other cake. I’m definitely going to make this again soon, as a birthday cake perhaps. You don’t have to use strawberries either you can use whatever season fruit or berries you wish to.

To make your cake:

  1. Bake blind a shortcrust pastry case in a fluted tin. You can buy the case already baked or buy the pastry already made as a timesaver. I just whipped up a basic shortcrust in the food processor. If you’re making your pastry yourself, add in 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder to make chocolate shortcrust. Allow your pastry case to cool.
  2. Melt 60g of dark chocolate. Using a brush paint your base and sides with the dark chocolate. Leave to set.
  3. Mix together 250g of mascarpone, 175ml of cream, and 25g of caster sugar. Add the zest of an orange or lime to your taste.
  4. Spread out your filling in the now cooled and set tart tin.
  5. Arrange you washed and hulled strawberrys (about 400/500g) around your tart.
  6. Heat 100g of strawberry jam and push through a sieve. Using a brush, brush the liquid over all your fruit.
  7. Put in the fridge to cool for an hour and then you’re ready to serve.

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Knit1Slip1 is the creation of Emma and documents all kinds of crafting and arty adventures. From knitting and sewing to DIY and design. Anything that strikes Emma's fancy really. Stay and have a look around. Enjoy free tutorials and browse through past adventures

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