Knitted Heart Bunting

It’s February, and we’re in the run up to Valentines day. What better project than to knit up a storm of hearts with this super cute and simple heart bunting? Bunting is everywhere at the moment and I have to say I’m smitten. Any time there is an occasion coming up, I’m planning flags, banners and bunting. Hooray. Perhaps it’s the throwback to old days and gold old British tradition, but bunting is adorable and I challenge you not to fall in love with this one.

To knit your hearts –

Row 1: Using 3.25mm/US 3 (or thereabouts, tension is not vitally important) and DK yarn, Cast on 2 stitches
Row 2: Knit front and back of both stitches (4 stitches)
Row 3: Purl
Row 4: Knit front and back of first stitch, knit 2, knit front and back of last stitch (6 stitches)
Row 5: Purl
Row 6: Knit front and back of first stitch, knit 4, knit front and back of last stitch (8 stitches)
Row 7: Purl
Row 8: Knit front and back of first stitch, knit 6, knit front and back of last stitch (10 stitches)
Row 9: Purl
Row 10: Knit 2 together, Knit 3 (leave the remaining 5 stitches on the needle for later)
Row 11: Purl 2 together twice
Row 12: Bind off

With the remaining 5 stitches –
Row 1: Knit 3 Knit 2 together
Row 2: Purl 2 together twice
Row 3: Bind off

Knit as many as you like. Then using a darning needle and a contrasting color of yarn thread through the top of each heart (both sides) to string out your hearts and viola! You’re done. It couldn’t be easier.

5 Responses to “Knitted Heart Bunting”

  1. 1 Meagan February 6, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Oh me oh my, this is absolutely mind-blowingly adorable.

  2. 3 Denise January 21, 2012 at 10:39 pm

    This is by far the EASIEST little heart with the most sweetest results!!
    I made 2 of them for a pair of baby booties and they turned out perfect!
    Thanks so much!

  1. 1 Happy Love Day « Trackback on February 14, 2011 at 7:38 am

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